venerdì 30 dicembre 2016

prossimo ricevimento Chris Young

lunedì 9 gennaio 2017
ore. 11.45-13.45
stanza 103
Villa Mirafiori

martedì 20 dicembre 2016

numero di matricola

Can these students send me their numero di matricola:


giovedì 15 dicembre 2016


If anyone who has booked to do the esonero with me next Monday or Wednesday would prefer to do it tomorrow, Saturday 17th December at 8.30 in aula VI, there is some space, so just send me an email today and I'll confirm it for you.

Second semester

I think the second semester will start on 1 March 2017. I will post the start date and lesson rooms and times when I have confirmation of all the arrangements.

lunedì 12 dicembre 2016

Message for Martna Rozzi and Sofia Russo

I got you attendance from Mr Lynch, so I'll see you at the esonero.

Homework for classes A5 and A6

for the esonero – revision!

For the second semester starting on February 27th (?)

your book – up to page 170

English Grammar in Use – up to unit 110

Writing – page 116 and then anything you like
(also the writing section in Extra 1). Bring it to any ricevimento

Workbook – revise pages 172-204, and then the middle section in Extra 1 (which starts after page 75), units 1-5)

prossimo ricevimento con Chris Young

lunedì 19 dicembre 2016
ore: 12.30
Villa Mirafiori

l'esonero con Chris Young

Class A6 - the esonero, for all those students who have attended 12 lessons or more is on Monday 19th December in aula V at 8.30

Class A5 - the esonero, for all those students who have attended 12 lessons or more is on one of the following dates, depending on which one you booked:

Saturday 17th December in aula VI at 8.30 (no longer on Wednesday 14th at 16.30 because of the bus strike, as we agreed this morning)

Monday 19th December in aula V at 10.30

Wednesday 21st December in aula III at 16.30

mercoledì 7 dicembre 2016

Homework and next ricevimento

Prossimo Ricevimento
lunedì 12 dicembre 2016
Ore: 12.30
Stanza 103
Villa Mirafiori

Homework for Monday 12th December, groups A5 and A6:
English Grammar in Use- Units 80-90
Workbook - pages 198-204
The book you are reading in English - pages 80-90
Extra 1 Burying the Bones - we will check this on Monday
DVD - scenes 13-14. I hope you are doing this like we talked about in class at the beginning of the semester.

Plus any articles that you find on Internet that you are interested in.

Are you using the language laboratory for comprehension practice for English and your other language? If you haven't been there, go and explore. It's in the basement.

lunedì 5 dicembre 2016


Homework for Wednesday 7th December, groups A5 and A6:
English Grammar in Use- Units 80-90
Workbook - pages 198-200
The book you are reading in English - pages 80-0
Extra 1 Burying the Bones
DVD - scenes 13-14. I hope you are doing this like we talked about in class at the beginning of the semester.

Plus any articles that you find on Internet that you are interested in.

Are you using the language laboratory for comprehension practice for English and your other language? If you haven't been there, go and explore. It's in the basement.

domenica 4 dicembre 2016


Homework for tomorrow, Monday 5th December, groups A5 and A6:
English Grammar in Use- Units 70-80
Workbook - pages 191-197
The book you are reading in English - pages 70-80
Extra 1 The Other Hollywood
The Mystery of William Shakespeare
Mixed Race Relations
DVD - scenes 11-12. I hope you are doing this like we talked about in class at the beginning of the semester
plus any articles that you find on Internet that you are interested in.

Are you using the language laboratory for comprehension practice for English and your other language? If you haven't been there, go and explore. It's in the basement.

domenica 27 novembre 2016

appello straordinario di dicembre 2016, NON per le matricole dell' a .a .2016-17

Chris Young If you go here to my page on the department site and look at the allegati at the bottom, you can get the links for the lettorato di lingua inglese, appello straordinario di dicembre 2016, NON per le matricole dell' a .a .2016-17

mercoledì 23 novembre 2016


Homework for my classes, A5 and A6, for Monday 28th November:
Very Important!!! Extra 1 pages 169-173 reading comprehension Losing Private Dwyer for Monday. Don't forget!
Workbook - pages 191-197
The book you are reading in English - pages 60-70
English Grammar in Use - units 60-70
DVD - scenes 11-12. I hope you are doing this like we talked about in class at the beginning of the semester

plus any articles that you find on Internet that you are interested in.
Don't forget there are still lessons for more oral practice with American students from the University of California in Rome. See Dott. Lynch's bacheca for more information.
Are you using the language laboratory for comprehension practice for English and your other language? If you haven't been there, go and explore. It's in the basement.

venerdì 18 novembre 2016

Prossimo ricevimento

lunedì 21 novembre 2016
ore: 12.30-14.15
stanza 103
Villa Mirafiori

martedì 8 novembre 2016

Prossimo Ricevimento con Chris Young

lunedì 14 novembre 2016
stanza 103
Villa Mirafiori

domenica 30 ottobre 2016

No lesson tomorrow

No lessons or ricevimento tomorrow! I just received this:

Il Rettore della Sapienza, a seguito della decisione già assunta dall'Amministrazione di chiudere il Rettorato, gli uffici e le Segreterie nel ponte di Ognissanti per consentire a studenti e personale di usufruire della festività, ha stabilito di estendere la chiusura anche alle eventuali attività didattiche e di ricerca. Tale decisione è stata assunta dopo le nuove forti scosse di terremoto che hanno interessato il Centro Italia, allo scopo di consentire verifiche tecniche sulle strutture degli edifici dell'Ateneo. I controlli, secondo quanto previsto anche per le scuole di Roma, saranno condotti nella giornata del 31 ottobre e, se necessario, del 1 novembre, in modo da garantire la regolare riapertura mercoledi 2.

giovedì 13 ottobre 2016

The winner of the 2016 Nobel Prize for Literature

 Mr. Tambourine Man - Bob Dylan

Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there ain't no place I'm going to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you
Though I know that evenings empire has returned into sand
Vanished from my hand
Left me blindly here to stand but still not sleeping
My weariness amazes me, I'm branded on my feet
I have no one to meet
And the ancient empty street's too dead for dreaming
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there ain't no place I'm going to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you
Take me on a trip upon your magic swirling ship
My senses have been stripped
My hands can't feel to grip
My toes too numb to step
Wait only for my boot heels to be wandering
I'm ready to go anywhere, I'm ready for to fade
Into my own parade
Cast your dancing spell my way, I promise to go under it
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there ain't no place I'm going to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you
Though you might hear laughing, spinning, swinging madly through the sun
It's not aimed at anyone
It's just escaping on the run
And but for the sky there are no fences facing
And if you hear vague traces of skipping reels of rhyme
To your tambourine in time
It's just a ragged clown behind
I wouldn't pay it any mind
It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there ain't no place I'm going to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you
Take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind
Down the foggy ruins of time
Far past the frozen leaves
The haunted frightened trees
Out to the windy bench
Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky
With one hand waving free
Silhouetted by the sea
Circled by the circus sands
With all memory and fate
Driven deep beneath the waves
Let me forget about today until tomorrow
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there ain't no place I'm going to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you

Prossimo Ricevimento con Chris Young

Data:  lunedì  17 ottobre 2016
Ore: 12.30
Stanza 103
Villa Mirafiori

lunedì 10 ottobre 2016

Oral practice tandem work

The first tandem groups at the University of California (piazza dell'Orologio, 7, Rome) will take place on  Wednesday, 12 October  from 9.15 to 11 a.m. Up to 60 Students can go to as many sessions as they want. There is a sign up sheet in the lettori room but students can go on the 12th without signing up.

Students will be paired with an American student and speak for 45 minutes in English and 45 minutes in Italian.  

venerdì 7 ottobre 2016

Prima lezione corso A5, A6, Lettorato di lingua inglese

Prima lezione del primo semestre a.a. 2016-2017

con me, Chris Young, lunedì 10 ottobre 2016

corso A5 in aula V, lunedì 10 ottobre alle 10.30
corso A6 in aula V, lunedì 10 ottobre alle 8.30

You need to bring English File Intermediate Digital student's book and Extra 1 to the first lesson 

See you in aula V

mercoledì 5 ottobre 2016

Christopher Young Lettorato Primo Anno

Collaboratore ed esperto linguistico di lingua inglese 

L-11   Lettorato inglese primo anno (LCLT)

Tel. 06 4991 7263
(soltanto durante l'orario di ricevimento)

my blog: (you are here now!)

Prossimo Ricevimento
Data:  lunedì  10 ottobre 2016
Ore: 12.30
Stanza 103
Villa Mirafiori

Prima lezione del primo semestre con me, Chris Young
corso A5 in aula V, lunedì 10 ottobre alle 10.30
corso A6 in aula V, lunedì 10 ottobre alle 8.30
You need to bring English File Intermediate Digital and Extra 1 to the first lesson (see below)

The course aims to improve students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to B1 level and beyond (particularly reading to B1+). The course is based on New English File Intermediate Digital (3rd edition, published 2013), authors  –  C. Oxenden and C. Latham- Koenig, English Grammar in Use by R. Murphy and Extra 1 (dispensa). Students should aim to attend at least 75% of the lessons and be prepared to do at least 2 hours self-study for every hour in class (4 with me, 8 hours self-study). Students must choose a book (fiction or non-fiction, but not simplified) in standard, modern English (to be approved by their teacher). They will read this book during the year, taking notes on the vocabulary. At the oral exam they will bring the book and their notes with them and they will be asked to talk briefly about themselves and then about the book they have read in terms of content and vocabulary (explaining or translating words or expressions selected by the teacher as within the target vocabulary range for the level).

Lettorato di lingua inglese Primo Anno 2016-2017







A1 studenti A-C
venerdì 10,30-12,30
sabato 8,30-10,30

A2 studenti D-F
lunedì 16,30-18,15 
sabato 10,30-12,30

A3 studenti G-L
martedi 10,30-12,30
giovedi 10,30-12,30

A4 studenti M-N
mercoledi 8,30-10,30
venerdi 8,30-10,30

A5 studenti O-S
lunedì 10,30-12,30
mercoledì 16,30-18,15

A6 studenti T-Z
lunedì 8,30-10,30          mercoledì 18,15-20,00

domenica 2 ottobre 2016

sabato 1 ottobre 2016

Prossimo ricevimento di Chris Young

Data:  martedì  4 ottobre 2016

Ore: 12.45

Stanza 103

Villa Mirafiori

mercoledì 28 settembre 2016

Some sites with placement tests to check your level of English

Sites where you can learn and practise English

Here are some useful sites where you can check and practise grammar structures:
(from here you can also access reading and other resources)
There is also:
but for me the best sites are:

Exam English Free Practice Tests for learners of English
for lots of free practice material at different levels (more later about this)

and BBC Learning English new address
and old address (but still active)
you should explore the site. For example:
is for listening practice and dictation is for grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation
Other sites where you can practice English
iTunes U (via iTunes , which you must install)
video and audio podcasts of university lectures and courses. See how your subject is taught in English.
TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design)
Fantastic presentations from some of the most innovative people in the world. Watching presentations is a really good way to practice comprehension.
The Purdue Online Writing Lab
TV Channels
The aim here is to listen and improve your comprehension, stay up to date (so you should also follow the telegiornale in Italian) and absorb some of the language.
France 24 in English
Aljazeera in English
You can also get a wide range of live TV channels on:
and shows on:

Some basic information for first year students

Information for First Year Students 2016-2017
Chris Young – Primo Anno
The course aims to improve students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to B1 level and beyond (particularly reading to B1+). The course is based on New English File Intermediate Digital (3rd edition, published 2013), authors    C. Oxenden and C. Latham- Koenig, English Grammar in Use by R. Murphy and Extra 1 (dispensa). Students should aim to attend at least 75% of the lessons and be prepared to do at least 2 hours self-study for every hour in class (4 with me, 8 hours self-study). Students must choose a book (fiction or non-fiction, but not simplified) in standard, modern English (to be approved by their teacher). They will read this book during the year, taking notes on the vocabulary. At the oral exam they will bring the book and their notes with them and they will be asked to talk briefly about themselves and then about the book they have read in terms of content and vocabulary (explaining or translating words or expressions selected by the teacher as within the target vocabulary range for the level).

Details regarding the admission to and organization of exams will be published soon.

My email:

The department website

  This blog: 
During the lessons we will suggest lots of work for you to do as self-study at home. Obviously the more you study the more you will learn.

Attending Lessons – If you can’t attend lessons speak to one of the teachers and we can indicate the correct programme for you to study. If you miss a lesson find out from other students what we have done and study it. Try to participate actively in the lessons.
Listening Comprehension – Unfortunately we do not have enough time to do extensive listening activities. So it is very important for you to do independent listening  activities. In the language lab there are various listening materials, including the cassettes which accompany English File. We also recommend you watch as many DVDs in English and as much English language TV (e.g. the BBC, Sky TV) as possible. If you use subtitles it becomes a reading activity not a listening activity, so we recommend you watch mainly without subtitles and use the subtitles only to check your comprehension later.. Organize your time and organize your learning. Organized notes are easier to refer to and to revise from. Beyond the book you are asked to read it is your responsibility to find more things to read: English newspapers, magazines etc. are good sources of short articles.
The Internet is a fabulous resource for both listening and reading material, so use it! I strongly recommend this site, particularly for listening:

You need to listen and read widely! If you need any help, do come and speak to us before or after the lessons or during our office hours. University is very different to school. It is up to you now to organize your studies and measure your progress.
You will also need a contemporary book of your own choice in modern, standard English (and a DVD if you are willing to do more) which you have to read and take notes on during the year. The book can be fiction or non-fiction but not simplified English. It should be the kind of book you would read in your own language. As you read you should take notes on the vocabulary (concentrating on common words and expressions) which you will be asked to talk about during the oral. You should bring both the book and your notes to the oral exam. You will also need to bring your ‘Libretto di Anglistica’ to the oral (available from the copisteria).
First year exam
The exam lasts 2 hours and 50 minutes and is based on your general knowledge of English. The level is Intermediate/Upper Intermediate or B1+ on the European scale. As regards the grammar the exam is based on New English File Intermediate Digital Student’s Book and Workbook (with key) by C. Oxenden and C. Latham- Koenig (Oxford University Press). If you studied English at school you should already be at, beyond or near this level (!).
There are 3 sections in the exam.
First there is a grammar section with 2 exercises. One has 15 sentences and you have to decide if they are right or wrong and correct the ones that are wrong. There may be more than one mistake in each sentence. The second is a text with 15 spaces and you have to put one word in each space.
The second section is reading comprehension with a text from a newspaper, a synonym exercise based on words underlined in the text, and then questions about what the text says and the meaning.
The third section is a writing section. You have to write a short composition on a general topic or a letter.
Each section is worth 30 points and you have to pass all the sections with at least 18 points. Later there is an oral exam in which you will be asked to talk first briefly about yourself and your life, and then about a book that you have read in English and comment on any language items the teacher asks you about.  You can explain the items in English, suggest a synonym or translate the context sentence into Italian.
There are two ways to do the exam:
1. You can do the FULL exam (written and oral) in June of this academic year, or September or January/February of the next academic year.
2. You can do the exam in 2 parts, PART 1 written at the end of the first semester and PART 2 written (+ the oral) at the end of the second semester. If you do not pass PART 1 at the end of the first semester (or if you do not want to accept the mark) you do not do PART 2 at the end of the second semester. You have to do the FULL EXAM. The content of the exams is the same (although the two-parts option has slightly more grammar). Prior to the exams we will do exam practice in class.

lunedì 26 settembre 2016

Prossimo ricevimento con Chris Young

Data:  mercoledì  28 settembre 2016

Ore: 11.15

Stanza 103

Villa Mirafiori

sabato 17 settembre 2016


Message for:

Carrano Maria Rosa
Di Carmine Elena
Fraccacreta Luigi

Are you coming to the third and final appello for the prova orale for the Lettorato Primo Anno?

Data:  giovedì  22 settembre 2016

Ore: 8.30

Stanza 103

Villa Mirafiori

Please let me know what you intend to do by writing to me on:

giovedì 15 settembre 2016

Terzo o Ultimo Appello per la prova orale e ricevimento con Chris Young

Terzo o Ultimo Appello per la prova orale ed/o visione del compito
Data:  giovedì  22 settembre 2016

Ore: 8.30

Stanza 103

Villa Mirafiori

Per prenotare lo studente deve scrivere a:

Lo studente deve portare alla prova orale il libretto di Anglistica,

il libro che ha letto in inglese e suoi appunti

mercoledì 14 settembre 2016

Sites where you can learn and practise English

Here are some useful sites where you can check and practise grammar structures:
(from here you can also access reading and other resources)
There is also:
but for me the best sites are:

Exam English Free Practice Tests for learners of English
for lots of free practice material at different levels (about this more later)
BBC Learning English
you should explore the site. For example:
is for listening practice and dictation
is for grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation
Other sites where you can practice English
iTunes U (via iTunes , which you must install)
video and audio podcasts of university lectures and courses. See how your subject is taught in English.
TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design)
Fantastic presentations from some of the most innovative people in the world. Watching presentations is a really good way to practice comprehension.
The Purdue Online Writing Lab
TV Channels
The aim here is to listen and improve your comprehension, stay up to date (so you should also follow the telegiornale in Italian) and absorb some of the language.
France 24 in English
Aljazeera in English
You can also get a wide range of live TV channels on:
and shows on: