mercoledì 22 marzo 2017

Homework and next ricevimento

Homework to do for Monday 27th March 2017 for groups A5 and A6
English File page 144-5 to revise
pages 76- 77 exercise 3, reading, sections a - f
your book: up to page 220
English Grammar in Use: up to unit 120
Writing: page 118 describing a house that means a lot to you, if not yet done

If you did Part 1 with me at the end of the first semester and you would like to see your paper at a Monday ricevimento, you will need to write to me on my email ( before Monday, so that I can bring your paper but don't need to bring all the papers each time.
prossimo ricevimento:
lunedì 27th Marzo 2017
ore: 13.00
stanza 117

Esame I Anno Triennale Lettorato Inglese (LCLT) SESSIONE STRAORDINARIA 12 APRILE 2017

Esame I Anno Triennale Lettorato Inglese (LCLT) SESSIONE STRAORDINARIA 12 APRILE 2017


Mercoledì 12 aprile 2017, ore 9.00-12.00. Stanza 205, Università La Sapienza – Sede Ex Poste, Viale dello Scalo S. Lorenzo, 4, 00159 Roma.
Gli studenti devono prenotare online e sono pregati di presentarsi in aula almeno 15 minuti prima dell'inizio dell'esame.
Riservato agli studenti fuori corso, ripetenti e lavoratori.

Questa sessione NON è per studenti immatricolati nell’anno accademico 2016-2017 (This session is not for students who started University in October 2016). LA PRIMA SESSIONE UTILE PER LE MATRICOLE è A GIUGNO 2017.

Modulo prenotazione online:

Iscrizioni all'esame dal 21/03/17 al 09/04/2017

sabato 18 marzo 2017

Next ricevimento

Due to a department meeting my next ricevimento will begin half an hour later.

  Lunedì 20 Marzo, ore: 13.30, stanza 117 o 118

per le fotocopie

Centro Copie Mirafiori
Facoltà di Lettere
Villa Mirafiori
Via Carlo Fea 2
00161 Roma
06 49917318

o alla sede centrale
Centro Copie
Facoltà di Lettere
P.le Aldo Moro 5
00185 Roma
06 4991 3042

mercoledì 15 marzo 2017

Homework to do for Monday 20th March 2017 for groups A5 and A6

English File page 144 to revise

pages 66- 67 exercise 6, reading,  sections a) b) c) d) short writing e) prepare for the lesson

your book: up to page 210

English Grammar in Use: up to unit 110

Writing: page 117 a film review, if not yet done

Message to my students

If you did the first semester with me in group A5 or A6 and are not attending classes with me this semester, please write to me on and let me know why. If you are attending with another lettore because of timetable problems that's OK, but you should be attending with someone. Please pass on this message to your friends from the first semester.

lunedì 13 marzo 2017

Homework for Wednesday 15th March Groups A5 and A6

English File page 143 to revise

pages 62- 63 to finish and revise

your book: up to page 210

English Grammar in Use: up to unit 110

Writing: page 117 a film review, if not yet done

Next ricevimento:

Monday 20th March, ore: 13.00, stanza 117 or 118

domenica 12 marzo 2017

compiti Part 1 Chris Young

If you did Part 1 with me at the end of the first semester and you would like to see your paper, I'm bringing the papers to my ricevimento today at 13.00 in room 117 (or 118). At the moment I have no office at ex-Poste in which to leave them. So if you would like to see your paper at another Monday ricevimento, you will need to write to me on my email ( before, so that I don't need to bring all the papers each time. Today I will have them all.

mercoledì 8 marzo 2017

Homework for Monday 13th March Groups A5 and A6 and ricevimento

English File page 142 to revise

pages 58-59 exercise 1 sections a) to e)

pages 60-61 exercise 6 sections d) to g)

your book up to page 200

English Grammar in Use up to unit 105

Writing page 117 a film review

Next ricevimento:

Monday 13th March, ore: 13.00, stanza 117 or 118