If you did the first esonero Part 1 in the first
semester and passed and if you want to do the second esonero (Part 2)
with me, you will need to enrol.
The date of the esonero is Wednesday
17th May 2017
A5 students O-S ore:18-20 aula 101
A6 students T-Z ore:16-18 aula 107
Università La Sapienza - Sede Ex
Viale dello Scalo S. Lorenzo, 4, 00159 Roma
Viale dello Scalo S. Lorenzo, 4, 00159 Roma
You can enrol by sending me an email
If you are now attending another lettore you can do Part 2 with him/her.
If you did not do the first esonero or did not
pass the first esonero, or if you passed but prefer not to accept the
mark, then you should enrol during May for the FULL EXAM on 5th
June. Details for how to enrol for this will be posted on the SEAI
Department website in May.