domenica 28 febbraio 2021

Zoom links and ID riunione for lessons (from 8 March) and ricevimento (from 11 March)

Lettorato I (Primo Anno) 1E (cognome O-S) YOUNG 

Lunedì 11.00-13.00, aula 110

ID riunione: 874 4544 3835

password security  230412

Lettorato I (Primo Anno) 1E (cognome O-S) YOUNG

Giovedì 9.00-11.00, Aula Magna

ID riunione: 845 3195 2317

password security  744653

Lettorato II (Secondo Anno) 2A (cognome A-De) YOUNG

Lunedì 13.00-15.00, aula 205

ID riunione: 876 4417 0168

password security  772634

Lettorato II (Secondo Anno) 2A (cognome A-De) YOUNG

Giovedì 11.00-13.00, aula 205

ID riunione: 854 4107 8428

password security  197400

Ricevimento per Lettorato I e II con Chris Young

giovedì, 11 marzo 2021, 15.00-17.00

ID riunione: 862 5918 1992

password security 101410

Prossimo ricevimento

giovedì 11 marzo 2020

ore: 15.00-17.00

il ricevimento sarà su Zoom, usando il link:

ID riunione: 862 5918 1992

password security 101410

venerdì 19 febbraio 2021

Lettorato I and Lettorato II. Writing practice for my first (1E) and second year (2A) students

Choose a page (for example page 87) from the set book that you are reading. It shouldn't be  a page from the start of the book. And put the number of the page (in the stardard text on the downloadable pdf) at the top of your composition. 

In 180 words explain what is happening and its relevance to the plot so far (NOT what happens afterwards) or to one of the themes of the novel - prejudice or becoming adult. You may need to briefly give some relevant information about the characters. Then comment on the language. Choose a couple of words or expressions that you think are useful (high frequency in English, NOT unusual or strange) and worth learning – words that you didn’t know or more likely half knew and recognised but didn’t know exactly how to use. For example,' WORTH' and 'LIKELY'. Don't choose slang. Put the word or expression in a new sentence to show that you now know how to use it. Check your work very carefully with or  BEFORE you send it to me. Please don’t copy from a website. You don't need to give me general information about the book, like who wrote it and when.

domenica 14 febbraio 2021

Prossimo ricevimento

martedì, 16 febbraio 2021, 18.00-19.00

ID riunione: 862 5918 1992

password security 101410

Visione del compito, LCLT febbraio 2021

Lettorato 1, prova di Febbraio (01/02/ 2021)

Visione del compito con Dott. Edward Lynch

(only the grammar - first two parts)

LCLT 1 students A-Z

Tuesday February 16th, 2021 at 11.00 Dott.Lynch is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 842 0221 3589

Passcode: 254824 

mercoledì 10 febbraio 2021

Ricevimento e visione del compito (lettorato 01/02/2021) con Chris Young

Secondo anno, studenti cognome Marozza - Rossi Prudente

Primo anno, studenti cognome Albini - Calvano
(if you need to talk to me about your essay)

venerdì 12 febbraio 2021, 17.00-19.00

ID riunione: 860 0038 0447

password security 043486