Monolingual Dictionary
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (OALD)www.oxfordadvancedlearnersdictionary.com
This is the best monolingual learner’s dictionary of English. A learner’s dictionary gives special help with the things language learners need—irregular forms, dependent prepositions, formal/informal language, particular grammar, etc.
Bilingual Dictionaries
Use a monolingual dictionary to understand how to use new vocabulary (for example when you want to write). Use a bilingual dictionary when you need to quickly check the meaning of a specific term.IL RAGAZZINI 2012, Dizionario Inglese-Italiano, Italian-English, Zanichelli (print)
Corriera della Serahttp://dizionari.corriere.it/dizionario_inglese/
Collins Reverso
Word Reference
Other dictionaries
British National Corpus
A corpus is the raw material of dictionaries. Look up any word or expression to see examples of how it combines with other words in native-speaker English.
Grammar Exercise Books
Essential Grammar in Use – Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press
English Grammar in Use – Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press
Grammar in Use – Martin Hewings, Cambridge University Press
Grammar Reference BookPractical English Usage – Michael Swan, Oxford University Press
Sites where you can study English
Here is a site where you can check and practice grammar structures:http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar
(from here you can also access reading and other resources)
There is also:
e.g. http://vivquarry.com/wkshts/linkwd2.html
but the best sites are:
Exam English ✓Free Practice Tests for
learners of English
http://examenglish.com/cambridge_esol.phpfor lots of free practice material at different levels (about this more later)
and BBC Learning English
http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish new address
and http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/general/ old address (but still active)
you should explore the site. For example:
is for listening practice and dictation
is for grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation
Other sites where you can practice English
iTunes U (via iTunes , which you must install)http://www.apple.com/it/education/itunes-u/
video and audio podcasts of university lectures and courses. See how your subject is taught in English.
TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design)
Fantastic presentations from some of the most innovative people in the world. Watching presentations is a really good way to practice comprehension.
The Purdue Online
Writing Lab
http://owl.english.purdue.edu/Online distance courses (MOOCs – Massive open online course)
TV Channels
The aim here is to
listen and improve your comprehension, stay up to date (so you should also
follow the telegiornale in Italian) and absorb some of the language.
24 in English
Aljazeera in English
You can also get a wide
range of live TV channels on:
and shows on:
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