giovedì 21 marzo 2019

Homework for class 1E wth Chris Young, Lettorato Primo Anno

for next Monday 25 marzo 2019 Reading Comprehension page 80, ex. 4 a-e
English File, Revise and Check, pages 82-83
English File – On Monday 18th we finished page 146, which is about Reported Speech. Please do the 2 exercises on that page if you haven't done them and check the corresponding units in English Grammar in Use, units 47-50
Writing a) write a letter of complaint based on page 119 and/or
b) write a letter  of enquiry to an English language school in a town in the UK, the US or Ireland to ask for information. Explain who you are, what you are would like to do and the information you need. You could base your letter on a website like this:
and then write to a real school!
English File Workbook pages 218-220
Your book pages 220-230

English Grammar in Use - units 130-140

BRING ENGLISH FILE and EXTRA 1 to next lesson

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