mercoledì 26 febbraio 2020

First Year Homework, class 1E, for Monday 2 March

Revise English File, Grammar page 142
the Passive verb forms
English Grammar in Use – units 42-45
if not done, student's book, page 62-63, with online materials, only exercise 5, Reading and Listening 
(all sections a-i) and exercise 6 Video listening

English File Workbook, pages 208-13

Your book to read and take vocabulary notes on, pages181-190

English Grammar in Use, units 101-110

Writing, page 119, a film review, or a review of the book that you are reading

Extra 1, all the cloze (gap-fill) exercises, pages 18-40 to do before May. The answers are at the end of the dispensa.

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