lunedì 21 settembre 2020

Lettorato d’inglese del Secondo Anno 2020-2021 Course Book

Course Book and Other Information Lettorato II

English File Digital gold 4th edition. B2 Student's book & workbook with key. Con e-book. Con espansione online (Inglese)

ISBN 9780194039413


English File Upp-Int / DIGITAL GOLD B2 

 4th Ed: SB/WB C/C+  Ready for Seconda 

Prova + EBK+ OLB eBK code + SRC 

This is the new 4th edition, so not the same as last year’s book for the second year.

You need to get this book as soon as possible, so that you already have it for the first lesson. Try to buy it directly in a bookshop like Feltrinelli International near Piazza della Repubblica if you are in Rome. If you order it, it may take a long time to arrive. Don’t get a photocopy of it. You need the real book because it gives you a personal access code to the e-version of the book and all the online, backup material which you can download onto an App on your computer.

Make sure you you get the version with answers (with key). Use the ISBN number above. When you come to the lesson bring the book. If you follow the lesson on the computer, open the paper book or the ebook on the App. Each lesson I will give you work to do for the next lesson which I will post on my second year Google Classroom and on my blog. Try to form small study groups with other students from the course, so that you can work together on social media like you did last year.

We will use the material in the book for our lessons and you can do more work online as self-study to consolidate what you are learning.

Collaboratori linguistici: 

 2A - Christopher Young  (A – De)

2B - Jane Tucker  (Dh – Ml) 

2C - Mattia Bilardello  (Mm – Sb)  

2D - Rosannamaria Rossi  (Sc – Z) 

Lettorato II


2A studenti cognome A-De

Lun. 13-15.00


Gio. 11-13.00



Vetreria Sciarra,  Aula Giorgio Levi

 lo studente del Lettorato II, classe 2A 
 (cognome A-De) dovrà iscriversi al gruppo in autonomia il più presto possibile,utilizzando l’applicazione  Classroom presente nella sua suite di posta elettronica istituzio
nale (Classroom -> Iscriviti al corso)

codice del corso: u2gdvo6


The goal of the second-year course is to bring students to a B2 level in the four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking, and to practise upper-intermediate/advanced grammar and vocabulary. At the end of the course, there will be an exam, written and/or oral, based on the course material covered in class (see below). Students are also required to read a set book of modern or contemporary fiction or nonfiction in English to be used as the basis for the oral (or written) exam. Further information about the set book for the current year will be published early in the first semester. Students are strongly encouraged to attend lessons where possible, and are also expected to do a considerable amount of self-study outside class hours. Students are encouraged to come to ricevimento when needed, and not at the last minute. There is a list at the end of this section with ricevimento times/place for each lettore.


Final exam

The final exam will consist of a written and/or oral test. The format may change from one exam session to another, and may be online or in presenza, depending on the current situation. Students will be advised well in advance what format to expect.

The exam will include one or any combination of the following: 1) English in Use, 2) Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary, 3) Writing, 4) Speaking (Oral exam). English in Use may include questions on grammar and usage, sentence transformations, a cloze test (a text with missing words to be filled in) and/or sentence translations. The writing section consists of writing a composition of 180-220 words from a choice of three topics (taken from the following types: narrative, opinion, advantages/disadvantages, set book, formal letter). For the oral exam, the set book will form the basis of discussion (see below), but the exam will also include general conversation. The first available date for the exam is June 2021.


Course book: See last post for exact details and ISBN number

English File DIGITAL GOLD B2 Student’s Book with key, Fourth Edition, Clive Oxenden & Christina Latham-Koenig, OUP, 2020


Additional material:

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 9th edition (or similar)

New First Certificate Language Practice with key, Michael Vince, Macmillan, 2014

Oxford English Grammar Course Intermediate (with answers), Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, OUP, 2011

For language learning websites and news websites, see list at the end of the lettorato section.


Set book: 

Information about the set book will become available during the first semester. The set book is valid for the current academic year unless otherwise stated. Students should make notes on vocabulary while reading the book, which they must bring to the exam. 



Students must follow the alphabet division as given above. However, early in the first semester, there will be check on class sizes and students must be prepared to change canale if required.  



Mattia Bilardello – 

Rosannamaria Rossi – ; FB page: Rossi’s English courses at la sap 

Jane Tucker – 

Christopher Young – ; blog:


All lettori have an individual page on the CLA website (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo).

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