giovedì 22 novembre 2018

Lettorato I Homework for Monday 26th November for Class 1E with Chris Young

English File
pages 42-43 if not done , page 45 if not done

Writing write a letter of advice to an Irish friend, Brian, who wants to visit Italy and learn some Italian as he is planning to do an Italian Art course in Dublin next September.

Grammar pages, 138 and 139 if not done and for revision check the corresponding units in English Grammar in Use and

Workbook pages 192-197 to do and check if not done

English Grammar in Use, units 61-70

Extra 1 Reading comprehension
Burying the Bones pages 191-194
also the gap-fill texts pages 195-6

The book that you are reading in English, pages 61-70

Bring English File and Extra 1 to the next lesson.

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