giovedì 22 novembre 2018

Lettorato II Homework for Monday 26 November 2018 for Class 2A with Chris Young

English File
Reading page 40, if not done
Revision pages 42-43 if not done
Writing, page 114 if not done

Grammar revision pages 138 and 139 if not done. Have a look at the corresponding units in last year's English Grammar in Use or on

Workbook pages192-197

Michael Vince, New First Certificate Language Practice with Key, (Macmillan) 2014 or earlier edition, pages 51-60

Towards B2 Level
Reading Burying the Bones, pages 26-29

Revision and Extension
pages 1-20, pages 151-152

Your set book, pages 51-60

Bring English File Upper Int. and Towards B2 Level to the next lesson

Mondays: aula 205
Tuesdays: aula 109

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