lunedì 30 settembre 2019

Lettorato II, extract from Guida

Collaboratori linguistici:

2A - Christopher Young (A – Dg)

2B - Jane Tucker (Dh – Ml)

2C - Mattia Bilardello (Mm – Sb)

2D - Rosannamaria Rossi (Sc – Z)

The goal of the second-year course is to bring students to a B2 level in the four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking, and to practise upper-intermediate/advanced grammar and vocabulary. At the end of the course, there will be a written exam (see below) and an oral exam. Students are required to read a set book of modern or contemporary fiction or nonfiction in English, which will be used as the basis for their oral exam. Information on the set books (the book you read for the oral exam) will be provided by your lettore. Students are strongly encouraged to attend lessons and are also expected to do a considerable amount of self-study outside class hours. All students are encouraged to come to ricevimento, especially studenti non-frequentanti – ufficio 203, sede Marco Polo. There is a list at the end of this section with ricevimento times for each lettore.

Final exam (written) for ALL students (frequentanti & non)
The final exam consists of three parts: 1) grammar, 2) reading, 3) writing. To pass the exam, students must pass all three sections. The grammar section includes questions on grammar and usage, and a cloze test (a text with missing words to be filled in). The reading section consists of reading a page of text in English followed by a vocabulary exercise and some comprehension questions. The writing section consists of writing a short composition from a choice of topics. The first available date for the full exam is June 2020. Students who pass the written paper must take an oral exam; the oral exam must be taken in the same exam session as the written paper.

Students who attend at least 75% of lessons (studenti frequentanti) have the option of doing the final exam in two parts (esoneri), the first esonero at the end of the first semester (December) and the second esonero at the end of the second semester (May). The first esonero consists of grammar and reading; the second esonero consists of grammar and writing. The final written result is the combined results of the two esoneri.
Students who pass the first esonero are eligible to do the second esonero; students who do not pass the first esonero must do the full exam in June or September, but should continue to attend lessons in the second semester. Students who do not pass the second esonero cannot do the full exam in June but must wait until the September session.
To be eligible for second year exams, students must be able to show proof that they have completed all first-year credits for English 1. You will be asked to show your yellow book signed by the English 1 lettore and language docente, and/or your final grade as verbalized on Infostud.

Results of written exam:
Results of all written exams (full exam & esoneri) will be published on the web pages of the docenti, and will include information about where/when to do the oral exam and with which lettore (see below). Students who do not pass the written exam/esonero are strongly encouraged to come to visione compiti to see their paper and discuss their mistakes with the lettore before attempting the exam again.

Oral exam (10-15 minutes):
Students are required to read a set book of modern or contemporary fiction or nonfiction in English, which will be used as the basis for their oral exam, followed by a general conversation. Students who pass the two esoneri will do the oral exam with their own lettore. Students who do the full exam (June, September, January) will do their oral exam with one of the lettori, not necessarily their own.

Course book:
English File DIGITAL GOLD B2 Student’s Book, Third Edition, Clive Oxenden & Christina Latham-Koenig, OUP, 2017
Additional required material:
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 9th edition (or similar)
New First Certificate Language Practice with key, Michael Vince, Macmillan, 2009
Also: see list of language learning web-sites and news web-sites at the end of the Lettorato section.
Set books:
The list of set books chosen by the lettori will be available at the beginning of the year. The set books are valid for the current academic year unless otherwise specified. Students should make notes on vocabulary while reading the set book, and they must bring these notes to the oral exam.
Students must follow the alphabet division as given above. If you have problems with the timetable and need to change canale, you should write to the lettore whose canale you wish to attend, giving reasons for the change (e.g. timetable clash).

Mattia Bilardello –
Rosannamaria Rossi – ; FB page: Rossi’s English courses at la sap
Christopher Young – ; blog:
All lettori have an individual page on the CLA (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo) website.

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