martedì 15 ottobre 2019

Lettorato II Gruppo 2A with Chris Young Homework for Tuesday 22 October

Student's Book
Reading, pages 24-25 exercise 2, a-d, the back cover is on page 24 'Air travel: the inside story, the main text is on page25, column one, DON'T do the grammar.
Colloquial English, pages 12-13 with student's CD, or with another student reading the audio scripts to you. They are on pages 120-121.
Writing, page 113 if not done yet, and page 118
Towards B2 level, pages 23-25 and page 41 the gap-fill exrecise
Grammar pages 132-5 in SB, to revise and check in last year's Raymond Murphy's English Grammar in Use too.

Revision and Extension, pages 6-10 and142

Workbook, pages 179-84 to do and check

Michael Vince, New First Certificate Language Practice with key, pages 6-10

Revision and Extension, pages 6-10

And most important, choose one of the books listed here to read for the oral:
and read the first 20 pages and take notes on the vocabulary

Extra Grammar Revision

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