lunedì 22 giugno 2020

Suggested work for the summer, first and second year students moving forward

For first-year students who will start the second year in September:

Some work for the summer to move forward towards the level of the second year:
Here are just 2 examples of books available for students who want to to do extra work on PET (B1 level for consolidation) or FCE (B2 level to move ahead). You need to get the practice test book WITH ANSWERS (with key) so it can be used for self-study or shared-study with a classmate.

Reading - find out what the set books are for the second year, choose one and start your reading this summer so you have a bit less to do next year

For second-year students who will start the third year in September:
Some work for the summer to move forward towards the level of the third year:
Here are just 3 examples of books available for students who want to to do extra work on FCE (B2 level for consolidation) or IELTS or CAE (C1 level to move ahead). You need to get the practice test book WITH ANSWERS (with key) so it can be used for self-study or shared-study with a classmate.

Reading - find out what the set books are for the third year, choose one and start your reading this summer so you have a bit less to do next year

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