lunedì 23 novembre 2020

Misunderstanding- Lettorato I and II

 So if you are writing together in a group the objective is NOT to write 5 different texts and then choose one. Or at least that would only be the first step in a long process. 

Let's say that one of you has written the text (and it should be a different person for each new piece of homework - e.g an essay title or letter) or that two or three of you have written a text and you have chosen one of them together. The real work begins here.

The writer sends the text to the others in the group. Each person edits and revises it. That means checking the grammar.(e.g. the prepositions), the vocabulary (you need a good dictionary), the spelling and the structure, It means adding to it, changing it radically if necessary (it doesn't matter if it longer says what the writer intended!) and enriching the vocabulary - linking words, adjectives and adverbs.

Then you meet on Zoom or Google Meet and the writer, or whoever wants to be the secretary, puts the text on the screen and you discuss the changes that each of you wants to make (the writer has no veto and can't say 'It's my story!' It isn't the writer's story or letter anymore.). This is the MAIN TASK. You should be speaking almost entirely in English, except when you need to discuss a translation problem e.g. No, I think 'sapere'  as an action is 'to find out', not 'to know'. You may need 2 meetings like this. The text that you send me should be almost error-free if you have done your work together properly (so you need to be fussy!). And, above all you need to talk in English and keep trying until it becomes natural. Focus on writing skills AND speaking skills.

The writing skill that you most need in the exam is SELF-CORRECTION. You can't use a dictionary or grammar book in the exam. This means you really have to use them during the course and when you do your homework, so that you don't need them in the exam. Self-corrction is important for the oral too. Got it?

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