mercoledì 4 marzo 2020

First Year, Lettorato I, class 1E, instead of our lesson on Thursday 5 March

No lessons from 5 March 5 to 15 March 2020. So here is the work to do tomorrow

English File Student's Book, using your book, online materials, a dictionary and friends from the class via Skype or Messenger video link or by phone for the oral parts:

Unit 7A, page 66
exercise 1, Vocabulary, do and check answers with Google. Page 161 Vocabulary, Education
exercise 2, Pronunciation, do and check, exercise 3, Speaking on Skype with another student
page 67
exercise 4, Listening, a-d as in book, then check texts 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9 on page 129, section e with another student
page 68, exercise 5, Grammar, section a, with a friend, then do section b, c andd and check with tapescripts on your online material. Section e, page144, Grammar, to check with me (one day soon!)
page 69, exercise 6, Reading and Speaking, section a, with another student, then sections b-g together, using the material on pages 108 (for student A) and 112 (for student B) for section f, Communication, University of not.

And then the regular homework

Revise English File, Grammar page 142
the Passive verb forms
English Grammar in Use – units 42-45
Revise English File, Grammar page 143
modal verbs of deduction
English Grammar in Use – unit 28
if not done, student's book, page 62-63, with online materials, only exercise 5, Reading and Listening 
(all sections a-i) and exercise 6 Video listening
then pages 64, 65, all, if not done in class with me
Writing, page 119, a film review, or better, a review of the book that you are reading
revise English File Grammar pages 144
English Grammar in Use – units 25 and 38

English File Workbook, pages 214-16

Your book to read and take vocabulary notes on, pages191-200

English Grammar in Use, units 111-120

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