giovedì 12 marzo 2020

Second Year Homework, class 2 A, for our Google Meet lesson on Tuesday 17 March

No lessons at the Marco Polo building for the moment. So here is the work to do at home to be ready for Monday

English File Student's Book, using your book, online materials, a dictionary and friends from the class via Skype or Messenger video link or by phone for the oral parts.

Preparation for Tuesday's lesson
Units 8A, page 74
Exercise 1, Reading, sections a-d, to be checked with me on Tuesday.
Don't do section e, Listening, you will do it with me on Tuesday.
Don't do Exercise 2, Vocabulary, including page160, you will do it with me on Tuesday.
Don't do Exercise 3, Pronunciation, you will do it with me on Tuesday.
Exercise 4, Mini Grammar, to be checked with me on Monday
page 75
Don't do Exercise 5, Grammar, you will do it with me on Tuesday.
Exercise 6, Reading, sections a-d, to be checked with me on Tuesday.
Exercise 7, Speaking, with classmates via Skype or Messenger video link or by phone.
Don't do Exercise 8, Writing, you will do it with me on Tuesday.

Unit 8A, Mini Grammar
gap-fill texts on Lavori del Corso
Moving House and Jane's a nurse, to be checked with me on Tuesday.
Dreams,to be checked with me on Tuesday.

General homework
Revise Unit 7
Exercise 3, page 67, if not done, Mini Grammar 'as', sections a and b, and then

English File grammar unit 7 page 144, past modals, if not done
English Grammar in Use (last year's grammar book), units 28, 29,33
English File grammar unit 7 page 145, verbs of the senses
English File, Grammar page 145, verbs of the senses, if not done
Revision and Extension, the pages at the end with transformation sentences

Workbook pages 214-217

The book that you are reading in English, pages, 211-220

Michael Vince, New First Certificate Language Practice with Key, (Macmillan) 2014 or earlier edition – to finish and revise.

So the next real-time video conference lesson is in our class time at 13.00 on Tuesday. You have to go to Google Meet in your Google options, clicking on the square icon with 9 points on the top right of the homepage for your institutional mail. The group will be called: 'lettorato2young' and I'll put the link on your Classroom Stream at 12.45.
You need to deactivate your microphone at least at the start, otherwise, it will be difficult to hear. Then I'll ask someone to speak and they have to activate the microphone. You can write to me and the other students in Chat at the top on the right.
Have your book and any other materials you need ready.

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