venerdì 6 marzo 2020

Second Year Homework, class 2 A, instead of our lesson on Tuesday 10 March

No lessons from 5 March 5 to 15 March 2020. So here is the work to do at home.

English File Student's Book, using your book, a dictionary, your grammar book, Google and friends from the class via Skype or Messenger video link or by phone for the oral parts:

Unit 7B, page 70-71
Exercise 1, section a, section b, using the class CD if you have it or tapescript 4.11 on page 127, then sections c and d, using the grammar on page 145, section f with a partner.
Exercise 2, Speaking and Listening, sections a and b, then section c, using CD or tapescript 4,14 page 127, section e, with a partner, section f, with tapescript 4.15 on your CD or page 127 (student A reads to student B twice. Student B does section g. Section h, with a partner.
Exercise 3, Mini Grammar 'as', sections a and b, and then
pages 72-73
Exercise 4, section a, with the class CD or a dictionary, section 5, Pronunciation, sections a-d, with the class CD or with Google (type the word onto Google search and add 'pronunciation', click and listen.
Exercise 6, Reading and Listening, section a-e, with a partner. Section f, using the class CD or tapescript 4.23 page 127, sections g and f, with a partner.
Exercise 7, Speaking, section a, with a partner using page 162, Two Photos, student A goes to page 108 and student B goes to page 112. Don't look at your partner's photo until they finish speaking.
Don't do section b, Writing.

And then the regular homework

English File Vocabulary, page 61, exercise 6, Vocabulary, if not done in class
English File Revise and Check, pages 62, 63 all except listening
Michael Vince, New First Certificate Language Practice with Key, (Macmillan) 2014 or earlier edition – to finish and revise.
English File grammar unit 7 page 144, past modals
English File grammar unit 7 page 145, verbs of the senses
English File, Grammar page 143, verbs of the senses

Writing page 114 and 115 if not done (or if done badly!) because a 'narrative' and a 'for and against' essay are very likely to be at the esonero and exam. Concentrate on layout, structure, linking words, vocabulary and verb tenses and patterns.

Towards B2 Level, pages 68-71
Revision and Extension, pages 142-144

Workbook pages 214-216

The book that you are reading in English, pages, 201-210

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