martedì 16 settembre 2008

Course Information 2008/9

Timetable - 1st semester
Nocera group A lunedì 8.30 - 10.30 aula V
mercoledì 12.30 - 14.30 aula III

group B lunedì 12.30 - 14.30 lab. audiovisivi
mercoledì 14.30 - 16.30 lab. audiovisivi

Young group C sabato 8.30 - 12.30 aula

Office hours – 1st semester
Lee: on maternity leave
Nocera: lunedì 10.30 - 12.30 stanza di Prof. Gebbia
Young: mercoledì 16.00 - 18.00 stanza di Prof. Gebbia

• English File Intermediate Student’s Book – new edition
• English file Intermediate Workbook with answers - new edition
• Intermediate English Grammar in Use with answers
• Reading Level I – in the photocopy shop, Mirafiori
• Contemporary British novel of your choice

• “Lettorato” lasts for all the year.
• To get 8 credits for Lingua I you must pass the “lettorato” exam and the professor’s exam (lingua inglese I). The final mark is a combination of the two results.
• Groups A, B, C, D do not reflect different levels but different timetable possibilities. You can choose whichever group you like. The content is the same.
• At the end of the course you are expected to have a good intermediate level in grammar, vocabulary, speaking and composition and an upper intermediate level in reading.

The exam
• The exam is based on the grammar and themes in English File and the reading is the level of that at the end of the Reading Level I photocopies. In the oral exam you may be asked to talk about the contemporary British book(s) you have read.
• The written exam is comprised of three parts; grammar, reading, writing.
• After you have passed the written exam there is an oral exam.
• There are two possibilities for sitting the written exam:
1. You can do the complete exam (FULL EXAM) in June/July of this academic year, or September or January/February of the next academic year.
2. You can do the exam in 2 parts, PART 1 at the end of the first semester and PART 2 (+ the oral) at the end of the second semester. If you do not pass PART 1 at the end of the first semester you cannot do PART 2 at the end of the second semester. You have to do the FULL EXAM.
The content of the exams is the same. (Although the two parts option has slightly more grammar)
• Prior to the exams we will do exam practice in class.

• We will suggest lots of work for you to do as SELF-STUDY AT HOME. It is your choice to do it or not. Obviously the more you study the more you will learn!
• ATTEND LESSONS. If you can’t attend lessons speak to one of the “lettori” and we can indicate the correct programme for you to study.
• If you miss a lesson find out from other students what we have done and study it.
• Participate in the lessons.
• Unfortunately we do not have enough time to do extensive listening activities. So it is very important for you to do INDEPENDENT LISTENING activities. In the language lab there are various listening materials, including the cassettes which accompany English File. We also recommend you watch as many DVDs in English and as much English language TV (e.g. Sky TV) as possible. If you use subtitles it becomes a reading activity not a listening activity, so we recommend you watch mainly without subtitles.
• Organize your time and organize your learning. Organized notes are easier to refer to and to revise from.
• When you have finished reading the collection of reading photocopies it is your responsibility to find more things to read: English newspapers, magazines etc. are good sources of short articles. The Internet is a fabulous resource, use it! You need to READ LOTS!
• If you need any HELP, do come and speak to us before or after the lessons or during our office hours.
• University is very different to school. It is up to you to be PROACTIVE in your learning!!

Results written exam 13th September 2008

Gruppo A - K
esame orale e visione compiti con dott. Nocera
lunedì 22 settembre alle 10,00 stanza di Prof. Gebbia

Gruppo L - R
esame orale e visione compiti con dott. Young
mercoledì 17 settembre alle 15,00 stanza di Prof. Gebbia

cognome nome matricola voto

Lemme Lorenzo 964716 Amesso con riserva
Lo Turco Atina ?68078 18
Maliziola Virginia 1103650 20
Marchioni A. 1157867 22
Martire Maria E. 1148683 Insuff
Mostarda Enrico 1129166 24
Munno Manuela 1218472 21
Nesci Antonetta 1056426 Insuff
Pallottino Santa 1201086 23
Pasquandrea C. 1217834 28
Pedross Tatjana 1219122 Insuff
Persichilli Claudia 1155754 Insuff
Petruzzi Caaterina 1205584 Insuff
Pietropaolo Chiara 1208793 21
Rinaldi Sara 1130681 Insuff
Rori M. Grazia 968310 Insuff
Rosato Michela 120191 Insuff
Ruggeri Maddalena 1174097 21

Gruppo S- Z
esame orale e visione compiti con dott. Young
mercoledì 17 settembre alle 8,30 stanza di Prof. Gebbia

cognome nome matricola voto

Cappuccio sara 1149120 insuff
Ceccarelli silvia 1176202 20
Montereale Marili 18
Santangelo gaia 1132674 26
Santonico martina 1211401 21
Sapienza salvatore 1215592 Insuff
Scaglia simone 1178820 21
Sforza valentina 1127553 23
Spatrisano giorgia 1180357 Insuff
Stefanescu laura m 1212550 20
Testa valeria 1200786 22
Tiberia cassandra 1218988 Insuff
Tomassetti elena 1069155 insuff
Villarosa romina 1220724 25
Vitiello anna 1189695 Insuff