sabato 17 marzo 2012

Sessione Straordinaria di aprile 2012

Esame del Lettorato del Primo Anno

SOLO per studenti laureandi, fuori corso e lavoratori (immatricolati durante o prima dell' a.a. 2008-2009)

Data: sabato 14 aprile 2012

Aula V

Ore: 8.30-11.30

L’iscrizione sarà aperta dal 19 marzo fino al 13 aprile tramite il ricevimento di Dott. Chris Young (ogni lunedì,12.30-14.30, stanza di Prof. Gebbia, Imperiali e Montini) o per email su:

giovedì 15 marzo 2012


Dear Students,
We are pleased to inform you that MiraMag is back again and will come out in May.
In the last few years the magazine has been an opportunity for sharing knowledge,
points of view and information, and a forum for intercultural exchanges among
students from different universities.
In the attempt to continue and improve this wonderful project we are asking for your
contribution. If you want to share your experiences with other students, express your
opinion on a particular topic, tell stories or anecdotes, promote events or activities,
draw for the magazine, or if there is something interesting you would like to write or
read about: any suggestions, reflections and ideas would be of enormous help and
warmly appreciated.
This year, alongside the topics we have already dealt with in the past issues, we
would like to develop new topics of discussion, such as about translation and
intercultural experiences, learning and teaching issues, fashion, art and music, film
and book reviews and extracurricular activities.
Feel free to check the Miramag moodle
and Mira Mag’s facebook account
if you want to know more about the forthcoming special edition or to see past issues.
Here is a list of the email addresses to contact:
The arts (fashion, art and music):
Translation and interculture:
Language learning/teaching:
Reviews and extracurricular activities:
International coordinator Aurora:
We are looking forward to reading your proposals!
(Infosheet drafted by Gabriella, Gilda and Veronica, 13 March 2012)

sabato 10 marzo 2012

Films in English

Go to: