lunedì 29 ottobre 2018

Lettorato II Homework for Monday 5 November 2018 for Class 2A with Chris Young

It's awful weather! So it's a great time to stay at home and study! 

English File
Revision pages 22-23 (all except video section) if not done yet
Writing, page 113 if not done
Grammar new pages 136 and 137 (Have a look at the corresponding units in last year's English Grammar in Use or on

Workbook pages new 185-191

Michael Vince, New First Certificate Language Practice with Key, (Macmillan) 2014 or earlier edition, new  pages 21-30

Your set book, new  21-30

Bring English File Upper Int. And Towards B2 Level to the next lesson

Mondays: aula 205
Tuesdays: aula 109

Lettorato I, Homework for Monday 5 November 2018 for Class 1E with Chris Young

Perfect for a rainy week! Have fun!

English File
Revision, pages 22-23, all except video if not done
Writing, page 114 if not done
Grammar new pages, 136-7 (Check the corresponding units in English Grammar in Use)

Workbook new pages 185-191 to do and check

English Grammar in Use, new units 31-40

Extra 1 Harry Potter pages 10-13 if not already done
The book that you are reading in English, new pages 31-40

Bring English File and Extra 1 to the next lesson.

lezioni sospese anche martedì 30 ottobre 2018

a questo punto il prossimo ricevimento con Chris Young sarà lunedì 5 novembre alle 15.00

ricevimento Chris Young

Faccio ricevimento, non oggi lunedì 29 ottobre 2018, ma domani martedì 30 ottobre alle 12.00 per un'ora e alle 15.00 per un'ora sempre in stanza 203.

lezioni sospese 29 ottobre 2018 maltempo

A seguito delle disposizioni della Sindaca di Roma, la Sapienza sospende le lezioni in tutte le sedi di Roma per la giornata di lunedì 29 ottobre 2018.

giovedì 25 ottobre 2018

Lettorato I, Homework for Monday 29th October for Class 1E with Chris Young

English File
Revision, pages 22-23, all except video
Writing, page 114
Revise pages, 134-5
pages 12-13, as much as possible, listening as reading from pages 122-123

Workbook pages 179-184 to do and check

English Grammar in Use, units 21-30

Extra 1 Harry Potter pages 10-13
The book that you are reading in English, pages 21-30

Bring English File and Extra 1 to the next lesson.

martedì 23 ottobre 2018

Communicating with students

You can find information from me on this blog, but I am trying to use this Facebook page too.

But I see there are other ones this year. Tell me in class which one you use.

I've asked to join these:

lunedì 22 ottobre 2018

Lettorato II, Homework for Monday 29th October Class 2A with Chris Young

English File
Revision pages 22-23 all except video section
Writing, page 113 if not done

Workbook pages 179-184

Michael Vince, New First Certificate Language Practice with Key, (Macmillan) 2014 or earlier edition, pages 11-20

Your set book, 11-20

Bring English File Upper Int. and Towards B2 Level to the next lesson 

Mondays: aula 205
Tuesday: aula 109 

Lettorato I, Homework for Class 1E with Chris Young

English File
Reading, pages 20-21, ex 5 sections a-d for Thursday
Writing, page 113 if not done
Revise pages, 134-5
pages 12-13, as much as possible, listening as reading from pages 122-123 if not done

Workbook pages 179-184

English Grammar in Use, units 21-30

The book that you are reading in English, pages 21-30

Bring English File and Extra 1 to the next lesson.

Cambiamento del mio orario per il secondo anno

Secondo Anno, Lettorato Gruppo 2A con Chris Young
cognome studente A-Ce
ore: 17.00-19.00 aula 205
ore: 13.00-15.00 aula 109 (non più 205)
ricevimento dal 8 ottobre 2018
ore: 15.00-17.00 stanza 203 secondo piano

martedì 16 ottobre 2018

Second Year Students

If you did not pass the Lettorato 1 exam in May, June or September, you should be following the recupero course with Mattia Bilardello which is designed for you.

Lettorato I, Homework for Class 1E with Chris Young for Monday 22 October 2018

English File
Writing, page 113
Reading page 17, exercise 6, sections b-f
Revise pages, 132-3
pages 12-13, as much as possible, listening as reading from pages 122-123

Workbook pages 179-181

English Grammar in Use, units 11-20

The book that you are reading in English, pages 11-20

Bring English File and Extra 1 to the lesson on Monday 22 October 2018

Lettorato II, Homework for Class 2A with Chris Young for Monday 22 October 2018

English File
Writing, page 113
Reading page 16-17, exercise 5, sections a-c

Workbook pages 179-181

Michael Vince, New First Certificate Language Practice with Key, (Macmillan) 2014 or earlier edition, pages 1-10

Your set book, 1-10

Bring English File Upper Int. and Towards B2 Level to the next lesson 

giovedì 11 ottobre 2018

Cambridge PET and FCE test books First Year

Here are just 2 examples of books available for students who want to to do extra work on PET (B1 level) or FCE (B2 level) in parallel with the course:

There are also test books at an advanced level for those who have already passed FCE. You should look at C1 Advanced or IELTS test books (C1 level).

Homework for Class 1E with Chris Young

Please have a look at the posts on:

Then do the following from English File Intermediate

Reading page 5, exercise 4, sections a – f
Grammar page 7, exercise 6, section a

Revise pages 132-3

English Grammar in Use, units 1 – 10

The book you are reading in English, pages 1 – 10

Workbook pages 172-178

See you on Monday with English File and Extra 1!

martedì 9 ottobre 2018

prossimo ricevimento con Chris Young

lunedì 15 ottobre 2018
ore: 15.00, Stanza 203
Università La Sapienza – Sede Marco Polo (Ex Poste)
Via Circonvallazione Tiburtina n,4 00185 Roma

Class 2A with Chris Young Homework for Monday 15th Octobe

Please get the course books listed on my last post on:

Then do the following from English File Upper-Intermediate

Reading page 6, exercise 4, sections a, b, c (page 9), d, e, f, g

Colloquial English, pages 12 and 13. Do all except final speaking. Do the, listenings as readings, 1-23, 1-24, 1-25 (on pages120-121)

Workbook pages 172-178

See you on Monday with your books!

lunedì 8 ottobre 2018

Some information for the Second Year Lettorato (Lettorato II) with Chris Young

Class 2A cognome studente A - Ce          with Chris Young

Lessons: Monday 17.00- 19.00 aula 205
              Tuesday  13.00-15.00 aula 205

The goal of the second year course is to bring students to a B2 level in the four skills: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.  All students will take a written and an oral exam. Students will be asked to read a set book of modern or contemporary fiction or non-fiction in English which will also be used as the basis for their oral exam. Information on set books will be provided by your lettore.

All students will be required to sign up for Prof. Lappin's Moodle elearning platform where they may access information about the course throughout both semesters and the exam period. The general information Moodle page for second year LCLT English is:  To enter you need to create an account if you don't have one for elearning.  The grammar and usage syllabus can also be downloaded.

Esonero Exams

Frequentanti students will have the option of taking an esonero divided into two parts, with a single session per semester. LCLT second year lettori will provide information about esonero arrangements in class. To be eligible for the second year esonero exam, you must be able to show proof that you have completed all first year credits for English 1. You will be asked to show your yellow book signed by the English 1 lettore and language docente, and/or your final grade as verbalized on infostud .

The Yellow Book (libretto di Anglistica)
Your yellow book is an important document for internal use of our English language program. You will need to present it to your lettore at written exams, esonero exams, and orals. Even if you are a transfer student, you must get a copy of the yellow book so that your future English lettorato exams can be registered. You can get a copy from the VM photocopy center.

All second year students (including non frequentanti) must sign up for the Moodle elearning platform for exam reservations and information at the URL


For all groups:

Clive Oxenden & Christina Latham-Koenig, English File DIGITAL Upper Intermediate Student’s Book and workbook THIRD EDITION , OUP, Oxford, 2013

A monligual learner's dictionary e.g.Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (or similar) and a good bilingual dictionary.

For my group

dispensa: Towards B2 level


Michael Vince, New First Certificate Language Practice with Key, Macmillan English, London, 2009 (or earlier edition)

dispensa: Revision and Extension

I suggest also a First Certificate in English Practice Test Book with answers like the examples on this page:

for example, 'First 1' with answers 

or 'First 5' with answers
Set Books: I will put a list on the blog

Final Exam Non frequentanti students (and any frequentanti students who fail or miss the esonero exam) will take a final written exam (THE FULL OR NON FREQUENTANTE EXAM) in June 2019, September 2019, or January 2020. The exam consists of three parts: grammar, reading, and writing. The grammar section includes transformation exercises based on the grammar and usage syllabus of the course textbook, New English File Upper Intermediate Student’s Book and a cloze test and may also include sentence translation. The grammar and usage syllabus may be downloaded from the Moodle second year English page:
The reading section consists of a short text with vocabulary exercises and comprehension questions. The writing section consists of a short essay of 250 words on a topic given at the exam. You will have a choice of topics. 

Some useful sites and information

lunedì 1 ottobre 2018


LYNCH 1A cognomi A-Ce
Lun. 11.00-13.00
Gio. 9.00-11.00

1B cognomi Cf-F
Lun. 11.00-13.00
Gio. 9.00-11.00

1C cognomi G-Ma
Lun. 11.00-13.00
Gio. 11.00-13.00

1D cognomi Mb-R
Lun. 13.00-15.00
Gio. 9.00-11.00

1E cognomi S-Z
Lun. 13.00-15.00
Gio. 9.00-11.00

stanza 203 per tutti i lettori
Dott. Edward Lynch

Martedì 10.30-11.00
Giovedì 11.00-12.00
Venerdì 10.30-11.00
Dott. Nathanial Peterson-More

Lunedì 14.00-16.00
Dott.ssa Rosanna Rossi

Lunedì 15.00-17.00
Dott.ssa Jane Tucker

Lunedì 15.00-17.00
Dott. Christopher Young

Lunedì 15.00-17.00
Coursebook: English File Digital Gold (B1) Intermediate Student’s Book and Workbook, Christina Latham-Koenig & Clive Oxenden, OUP.
Recommended: English Grammar in Use, Raymond Murphy, CUP (or any other good grammar book)
Dictionaries: (1) Bilingual Dictionary (2) Monolingual Dictionary, e.g. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, or Cambridge, Longman, Macmillan or Cobuild Learner’s Dictionary.
For Extra Exam Practice: Extra 1 dispensa – disponibile in copisteria, sede centrale, facoltà di lettere.
For all other information: please refer to the ‘Guida di Anglistica’ available from the copisteria.

to find a specific teacher, for example me, Chris Young, put in name-surname after 'users/' like this:
also your docenti:
if you can't find a professor or lettore's webpage, try a Google search with the name and surname of the teacher and the word Sapienza
Come to the first lesson with your English File book. Don't order it and wait. Call the various bookshops (see below) till you find one that has it in stock. Then go and get it. You need to make sure that you get the answers to the workbook exercises.
e.g. la Feltrinelli International
indirizzo: Via Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, 84/86, 00185 Roma RM. 
tel 06 482 7878