martedì 17 dicembre 2019

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Risultati immagini per merry christmas snoopy

prossimo ricevimento

prossimo ricevimento con Chris Young, 
martedì 7 gennaio 2020, 
ore: 11.00-13.00
studio 203 (secondo piano),
Università La Sapienza – Sede Marco Polo (Ex Poste) Via Circonvallazione Tiburtina 4, 00185 Roma.

sabato 14 dicembre 2019

Lettorato del Secondo Anno 2019-20, classe 2A con Chris Young, Risultati della prima prova scritta del 10 e 12 dicembre 2019

Risultati della prima prova scritta del 12 dicembre 2019
sulla mia pagina del CLA sotto 'allegati'.

Visione compiti - durante il ricevimento di martedì prossimo o durante qualsiasi ricevimento a gennaio/febbraio 2020

venerdì 13 dicembre 2019

Lettorato del Primo Anno 2019-20, classe 1E con Chris Young, Risultati della prima prova scritta del 12 dicembre 2019

Risultati della prima prova scritta del 12 dicembre 2019  
sulla mia pagina del CLA sotto 'allegati'.

Visione del compito durante il ricevimento di martedì prossimo o durante qualsiasi ricevimento a gennaio/febbraio 2020

Lettorato II, classe 2A with Chris Young, homework for the holidays

There is one lesson next week on Tuesday 17th December. I think the second semester starts on Monday 24th February 2020 (so the first lesson for us is Tuesday 25th), so you have lots of time to revise. You should come to all the lessons in the second semester, particularly if you didn't pass or found the first esonero difficult. The lessons are open to everyone. If you didn't follow in the first semester, you can and should still follow in the second!
So you need to revise the grammar and vocabulary for Units 1-5. You should get at least to page 180 in the set book you are reading in English and do most of Revision and Extension and Michael Vince's New First Certificate Language Practice. Do all the readings in Towards B2 Level or on my CLA page if you haven't done them, correct them from another student or bring them to my ricevimento in January and February (from Tuesday 9thJanuary).
There are lots for reading texts with answers here:
Use a good dictionary.
Do some writing (using a good dictionary to check, make a note of and learn important words and phrases) and bring it to me during my ricevimento in January and February. You can use the titles and examples in the Writing section of English File or invent your own. I'll mark what you bring me. Do some translation on the EU site (check it by changing language from Italian to English) and note-taking on the UN site.

giovedì 12 dicembre 2019

Lettorato I, classe 1E with Chris Young, homework for the holidays

There is one lesson next week on Monday 16th December. I think the second semester starts on Monday 24th February 2020, so you have lots of time to revise. You should come to all the lessons in the second semester, particularly if you didn't pass or found the first esonero difficult. The lessons are open to everyone. If you didn't follow in the first semester, you can and should still follow in the second!
So you need to revise the grammar and vocabulary for Units 1-5. You should get at least to page 180 in the book you are reading in English and to Unit 100 in English Grammar in Use. Do all the readings in Extra 1 or on my CLA page if you haven't done them, correct them from another student or bring them to my ricevimento in January and February (from Tuesday 9th January 2020.
There are lots for reading texts with answers here:
Do some writing (using a good dictionary to check, make a note of and learn important words and phrases) and bring it to me during my ricevimento in January and February. You can use the titles and examples in the Writing section of English File, in Extra 1 or invent your own. I'll mark what you bring me. Do some translation on the EU site (check it by changing language from Italian to English) and note-taking on the UN site. 

mercoledì 11 dicembre 2019

Esame Lettorato Inglese (LCLT) -- Secondo Anno Triennale

Esame Lettorato Inglese (LCLT) -- Secondo Anno Triennale -- Lingue Culture Letterature e Traduzione. Sessione invernale: lunedì 13 gennaio 2019, ore 14.45 - 18.00, aula 203 Marco Polo/Ex-Poste.* Iscrizioni all'esame dal 11/12/19 al 08/01/2020. OBBLIGATORIO PORTARE: (1) UN DOCUMENTO DI IDENTITÀ VALIDO E CON FOTO; (2) PROVA CARTACEA DEL SUPERAMENTO DEGLI ESAMI DI INGLESE 1 - SIA LETTERATO SIA LINGUISTICA - (QUINDI DEVI PORTARE IL TUO LIBRETTO GIALLO E/O LO STAMPATO DA INFOSTUD). LA SESSIONE È APERTA SOLAMENTE A STUDENTI CHE HANNO GIÀ SUPERATO E VERBALIZZATO ENTRAMBI GLI ESAMI DI INGLESE I.

Esame Lettorato Inglese (LCLT) -- Primo Anno Triennale

Esame Lettorato Inglese (LCLT) -- Primo Anno Triennale -- Lingue Culture Letterature e Traduzione. Sessione invernale: lunedì 13 gennaio 2020, ore 8.30 - 12.00, aula 203 Ex-Poste/Marco Polo.* Iscrizioni all'esame dal 11/12/19 al 8/01/2020. OBBLIGATORIO PORTARE UN DOCUMENTO DI IDENTITÀ VALIDO E CON FOTO. N.B. QUESTA SESSIONE NON È APERTA ALLE MATRICOLE (GLI STUDENTI IMMATRICOLATI NEL 2019-2020). LA PRIMA SESSIONE PER LE MATRICOLE SARÀ A GIUGNO 2020.

giovedì 5 dicembre 2019

Reading Comprehesion Practice for Lettorato II and maybe Lettorato I if you are ambitious!

B2 level
all the texts here
more difficult, C1
and then all the other texts on the right of the page, Academic Reading 2-9
and then the other texts on the right of the page
and then the other one on the right (BEC Higher)
and then the other ones on the right, B2 and C2
not texts 1 and 2 please, but the other ones on the right, 4-8
and then the other ones on the right, 2-4
and then pages 2-12, text and questions
and the other sections under 'related materials'
and all the texts here
and all the texts at
and then choose a text
and choose a text like this:
The sample text below on pages 9 and 10 may also be useful but not the tips
Lots of texts and 3 levels, Easy, Moderate and Difficult
then click on pages, 2,3,4 etc for more questions and next text
Here there are 24 questions. Choose an answer to number 1, check it with View the Correct Answer and go to Next at the top for the next question.
Useful tips
Go to this page and click on one of the tests (e.g. Test 1). When you finish all the questions, click on Validate for score. Then go back to the first page and choose another Test.
and then copy this search name onto 'Google search' and open all the docs to download: › file › ThanhHa › A collection

You can also get old Cambridge FCE, CAE (now called C1 Advanced) and IELTS Practice Test Books (the version with answers) from your relatives, colleagues or friends or on Amazon. Plus anything else you can find by doing a search on Google for:
'free B2 and C1 texts for multiple choice reading comprehension'
or something similar.

Lettorato I, Gruppo 1E with Chris Young, homework

For Monday 9 December
Bring Extra 1 to the lesson!  Don't forget this!

If not done, Exam Practice, Extra 1, Don't forget this!
Reading, page 191-194, Burying the Bones
or download it here:
Extra 1, gap-fill text, pages 32-33
Workbook, pages 200-207
English Grammar in Use, units 71-80
The book you are reading in Englishpages 81-90
Student's Book
Writing, If not done
1)What tips would you give someone who wants to learn your language? See page 42, exercise 6
2) page 118, Write a narrative about a journey where you had a problem
3)Write about your best friend (start with page 52, exercise 4 c) but anything you want to add, incuding a physical description
4) Write about one of the questions in exercise 6 a) on page 53
Grammar, revise pages140, 141
and then for more practice:
page 140, 5A
5B, page 141
present and past habits and states
and for general revision:
Grammar, now revise pages132 -141!
and then:
Practice for exam with gap fill texts
with multiple choice options:
just with gaps:
and other texts at intermediate level by clicking on the links on this page:
click on the PDFs:
Practice with error correction sentences
the exercise on this page and then the exercises on the other pages through the links near the beginning of the page:
see all the links here:
Then this:
Error identification – Extra practice exercises. Decide which part of the sentence is grammatically incorrect. Then look at the answers below.
  1. I enjoyed study geography at school and now I’ve enrolled at the Economics Faculty.
  2. I used to be keen of all scientific subjects but now I would prefer to study art.
  3. I want meet your sister when she comes to see you – she sounds very nice.
  4. My friends tell the English exam is quite difficult but I’m not worried.
  5. The tickets, which are extremely good valuecan be buy from large supermarkets.
  6. The number of people which asked for the discount was low but grew during the summer period.
  7. He wanted always to be a doctor and after doing medicine he now works in a hospital.
  8. The informations they gave us was not very helpful so I consulted the website instead.
  9. There isn’t many timedo you think we should get a taxi to the exhibition centre?
  10. He graduated in languages in June and is now thinking of do a second degree in psychology.
  11. The policeman showed us an identikit picture of the man who steal the car.
  12. How long does it take to get the station on foot from your house
  13. I was so angry that I took the watch broken to the jewellers to get my money back.
  14. He rang me this morning for tell me that he had passed his driving test.
  15. won’t be able to go on holiday this year unless I will get a part-time job.
  16. It was so nice day that they decided to have a picnic in the field.
  17. haven’t never seen anybody who rides a horse so well before.
  18. My boyfriend always takes me to see horror films, but I don’t like very much.
  19. We went to Guatemala last year so we were tired of the usual beach holiday.
  20. I’ve gone to Marbella. I remember it well. A busy town with a nice modern promenade and picturesque ‘piazze’.
  1. I enjoyed studying (‘enjoy’ + ing)
  2. keen on (keen + on = essere appassionato di)
  3. want to (‘want’+ to + verb)
  4. tell me (‘tell’ + person (me/you/him/her etc); nb. ‘say’non è seguito dalla persona)
  5. can be bought (to be + past participle = passive)
  6. who (relative pronoun ‘who’ = people)
  7. always wanted (frequency adverb goes before the main verb)
  8. the information(information = uncountable noun)
  9. much time (‘much’ with uncountable nouns, ‘many’ with countable nouns)
  10. doing (‘ing’after a preposition)
  11. stole (past tense of steal = steal stole stolen)
  12. get to (preposition necessary; get to /go to /come to the station, BUT. arrive atreach the station)
  13. broken watch (adjective before noun)
  14. to tell me (to+base form = per/a scopo di)
  15. unless I will get (1° conditional = if/unless/when + present)
  16. such a (such a + noun; so + adjective)
  17. I haven’t never (double negative)
  18. l don’t like them (‘like’ + direct object)
  19. as (as = siccome; so = quindi)
  20. I’ve been to Madrid (use ‘been’ not ‘gone’ se sei stato e tornato)